This is for Egg lovers, boiled eggs airfryed


This one’s for my egg lovers 🍳😜

No more boiling water, save time, and washing up too! Increase the time by 1 minute for a more hard boiled egg 🥚

I’ve genuinely not stopped making my boiled eggs in the air fryer since I discovered this hack! Perfect for a quick high protein brekkie or even as a snack.

15 responses to “This is for Egg lovers, boiled eggs airfryed”


    Thank you for sharing 🤍

  2. Andrea Avatar

    Guess what if you boil the water and put the eggs in for 6 min it will be beautiful runny eggs too 😂

  3. Carmel V Avatar
    Carmel V


  4. Helena Yoshi Cici Avatar
    Helena Yoshi Cici

    180 degree as in Celsius?

  5. Signe Turner Avatar
    Signe Turner

    I tried 7 minutes at 190 and they were not ready enough. I’d say 9 minutes are needed as minimum.

  6. Py Avatar

    No estallan?

  7. Dennis Sjodin Avatar
    Dennis Sjodin

    This does not work the shell will not even come off wast if time and eggs

  8. Lucia Perri Avatar
    Lucia Perri

    This is amazing thank you for sharing

  9. 𝐆𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐖𝐨𝐨𝐝𝐬 Avatar
    𝐆𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐖𝐨𝐨𝐝𝐬

    @jwifane mind blowing

  10. Isabella Olivia Emmanuel Johnny Avatar
    Isabella Olivia Emmanuel Johnny

    I love my air fryer. It’s one of my greatest investment ever.

  11. Wen_zig Avatar

    Timing would depend on size of eggs; if they came from the refrigerator

  12. 🄽🄸🄻🄴🅂🄷☣️ Avatar

    @aniii_patil_22 @harish_jamdar_ @abhi_hake_ 🔥

  13. Samantha Hall Avatar
    Samantha Hall


  14. Addison Avatar

    Does NOT work at all. Cooked 2 eggs. Followed exact directions. 1st Edd was completely raw. Cooked the 2nd egg additional 5 mins. RAW

  15. Addison Avatar

    My sincere apology from my previous comment… after reading some Of the input, I realized that the temperature was in Celsius at Fahrenheit. I tried this again with a setting of 350 on my fryer for seven minutes and plunged it into Coldwater for two and it came out absolutely perfect! Thank you again I apologize for the original negative critique.

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