How to get your kids to eat more veggies, pt. 5


How to get your kids to eat more veggies, pt. 5️⃣

**No picky eaters were harmed in the making of this video**

[Healthy kids food, gluten free pasta, organic kids, easy kid meals, healthier dinner ideas]

15 responses to “How to get your kids to eat more veggies, pt. 5”

  1. Tara Miller Ormond Avatar
    Tara Miller Ormond

    😂I love it!

  2. Vineela Griddaluru Avatar
    Vineela Griddaluru


  3. Terri-Ann Menzies Avatar
    Terri-Ann Menzies


  4. Jenn Avatar

    Did that with my ex husband for years! After we split he asked me how I made my spaghetti sauce and I told him lol he was good and laughed about it and now cooks with onions

  5. Emily Jessop Avatar
    Emily Jessop

    Tried this and “ it tastes funny” apparently 😢

  6. Kristin Melendez ☀️ Avatar
    Kristin Melendez ☀️

    @kearra_prewitt_oneill 😂

  7. Red24lady Avatar


  8. Tonatzin Roman Avatar
    Tonatzin Roman

    Been using this trick for years ❤️

  9. Angela Holtz Avatar
    Angela Holtz

    How about be a grown ass adult and tell them they’re trying it.

  10. Alex Larlee Avatar
    Alex Larlee

    I once made sweet potato pie to my sweet potato hating kids and called it pumpkin pie. They are the whole thing before I told them lol

  11. Megan Crawford Schroeder Avatar
    Megan Crawford Schroeder

    The way he says “it’s delicious” 😂

  12. Avatar

    @dr_bayoherbs11 you’ve let me know that herbals medicine are really the eczema is gone

  13. Damien O'Connor Avatar
    Damien O’Connor

    @maggiemoo1985 I would never do this to you 😂

  14. Isa Hennessy Avatar
    Isa Hennessy


  15. 𝕃𝕒𝕖𝕣𝕥𝕒 Avatar

    What’s the liquid on the bottom?

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Cooking healthy is like spreading love through the kitchen. Just as love nourishes the soul, healthy cooking nourishes the body. When you cook with fresh, organic ingredients, it’s like adding a dash of care and a pinch of compassion to every dish.

Each wholesome meal becomes a testament to the love and thoughtfulness you put into caring for yourself and those around you. Just as love brings people together, healthy cooking creates bonds, fosters connections, and creates moments of joy shared around the table. So, let’s continue to spread love, one delicious and nutritious meal at a time.

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