How to make hairy tofu!


How to make hairy tofu!

Hairy Tofu Recipe:
* 1-4 packages firm tofu
* 1 package (or one teaspoon) of mucor powder
* 3/4 cup of room-temperature water
1. Sterilize Containers and Utensils: Sterilize all containers and utensils that will be used. Use a dishwasher on the sanitize setting or soak them in diluted bleach water (2 tbsp of bleach per gallon of water) for 10 minutes. Rinse and dry.
2. Prepare Tofu:
* Cut tofu into 1-1 1/2” inch cubes.
* Steam the tofu in a double boiler for 15 minutes, then let it cool.
3. Prepare Mucor Solution: Mix the mucor powder with water in a bowl.
4. Coat Tofu with Mucor Solution: Using tongs or chopsticks, dip each tofu cube into the bowl of mucor water, ensuring an even coating.
5. Prepare for Fermentation:
* Place tofu cubes 1/2-1” apart on a cookie rack in the oven, on a tray with a loose lid, in a bamboo steamer basket, or in an unplugged dehydrator for fermentation.
* Do not line the tray or rack with paper as it may stick to the tofu.
* Cover with a cloth to prevent light from shining in, and place it in a warm and humid spot.
6. Fermentation:
* Allow the tofu to ferment until it becomes white and fluffy. Under ideal conditions, this process takes 2-3 days.
* Properly fermented hairy tofu will have fluffy, snow-white mycelium, potentially with very small black spores evenly distributed on top.
* When in doubt, throw it out. Discard the whole batch of hairy tofu if there is any inconsistent mycelium growth or the presence of anything other than fluffy, white mycelium with potentially small black spores (smaller than a ballpoint pen dot) evenly distributed on top.

9 responses to “How to make hairy tofu!”

  1. Angela Schneider Avatar
    Angela Schneider

    @dr_enato_herbalhome herbs is all over the word curing people from different kinds of disease

  2. Cassandra Collins Avatar
    Cassandra Collins

    @Herbalist_goodman1 carefully assessed my condition, taking into consideration my symptoms, medical history, and overall health. He then formulated a personalized treatment plan using potent herbal remedies.

  3. Angelia K. Wells Avatar
    Angelia K. Wells

    kind of sounds like dumplings some what.❤️❤️❤️

  4. Freddie Cook Avatar
    Freddie Cook

    @herbalist_goodman1 🌿🌿 just got rid of my herpes virus. Alot of people are still suffering from this virus because of what the medical doctors say when they found out you have herpes disease (there is no complete cure for herpes) which is not true I was cured by @herbalist_goodman1 herbal remedy within 7-14 days

  5. Lucas Silvero Avatar
    Lucas Silvero


  6. Felipito Avatar

    Tenemos que extinguirnos ya

  7. Avatar

    @dr_bayoherbs11 you’ve let me know that herbals medicine are really the eczema is gone

  8. Avatar

    @dr_pedro_cure you are truly a healer am totally free form prostate cancer since 6years

  9. Avatar

    Life has not been easy I was diagnosed of f type 2 herpes virus, it broke my marriage and my life was in shallow until I saw. @dr_bayoherbs11

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