Spinach Crackers made easy! SUPER Lowcarb-glutenfree


SUPER Lowcarb-glutenfree Spinach Crackers!

As I lovingly crafted this recipe, inspired by the laughter and camaraderie shared with my friend, I uncovered a treasure trove of flavor and nourishment. These crackers, born from just three simple ingredients, boast a bounty of protein and vibrant veggies, promising not only to tantalize your taste buds but also to keep you and your little ones happily satisfied for hours on end. With each crunchy bite, may you find a sprinkle of magic and a reminder of the boundless love that goes into every homemade creation! 👏

▫️1.5 cups blanched fine almond flour
▫️large handful of baby spinach
▫️1 egg
▫️pinch salt

👩‍🍳preheat oven to 350F

👩‍🍳Blend spinach and egg until smooth, if needed add a small splash of water to help blend. – just a splash, you don’t want it too wet!

👩‍🍳 Start by combining all the ingredients in a spacious bowl. If you need visual guidance, check out the video above. Once your dough is ready, transfer it onto a silicone baking mat (trust me, silicone works wonders to prevent sticking), cover it with parchment paper, and gently roll it out to about 1/8 inch thickness.

👩‍🍳 Now, it’s time to get creative with your shapes! I personally find that using a pizza cutter yields clean, precise lines, but feel free to let your imagination run wild.

👩‍🍳 Pop your creations into a preheated oven set at 350°F for roughly 15 minutes. Keep an eye on them—when the edges start to turn a golden hue, they’re ready to be savored! If you prefer a crispier texture, consider removing any thinly edged pieces a bit earlier and giving the rest an extra minute or two in the oven. Trust me, every crunchy bite will be worth the wait!

👩‍🍳let cool, and enjoy!

I’m so happy with how this recipe looks like and lovely obsessed with the color and taste! 😍 Perfect for Spring!

12 responses to “Spinach Crackers made easy! SUPER Lowcarb-glutenfree”

  1. Sari Avatar

    Greeeat! And that dip? 😃

  2. gregwhitmer3 Avatar

    @Herbalist_goodman1 carefully assessed my condition, taking into consideration my symptoms, medical history, and overall health. He then formulated a personalized treatment plan using potent herbal remedies.

  3. Mary Gonsalves Avatar
    Mary Gonsalves

    Can you use regular almond flour?

  4. Clara Monica Avatar
    Clara Monica

    Hahahaha the girl only eats the dip 😂

  5. Ligia Smith Avatar
    Ligia Smith


  6. Shabana Azeez Avatar
    Shabana Azeez

    Can we use wheat flour

  7.  Avatar

    @doctor_sabu4 knowledge and understanding of herbal remedies are unparalleled. He sources the highest quality ingredients and formulates his treatments with it most precision. His treatments not only target the cancer cells but also strengthen the immune system to prevent recurrence.

  8. Neşe Avcıoğlu Avatar
    Neşe Avcıoğlu


  9. blessing xtraa Avatar
    blessing xtraa

    Using herbal medicine is the best decision you can take, its natural and the best treatment you can offer for any health problem. I totally got rid of my systematic lupus and type 2 diabetes, with the herbal medicine I ordered from @doctor_balogun am really glad.

  10. jersliksae Avatar

    Always trust your doctor because you don’t
    know what him his recommend for you l
    always trust @doctor_sabu4 herbs

  11. apryle watts Avatar
    apryle watts

    Our baby used to do the same thing…lick the dip off the cracker!!!

  12. 💙 خونه ما 💛 Avatar
    💙 خونه ما 💛


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Cooking healthy is spreading LOVE!

Cooking healthy is like spreading love through the kitchen. Just as love nourishes the soul, healthy cooking nourishes the body. When you cook with fresh, organic ingredients, it’s like adding a dash of care and a pinch of compassion to every dish.

Each wholesome meal becomes a testament to the love and thoughtfulness you put into caring for yourself and those around you. Just as love brings people together, healthy cooking creates bonds, fosters connections, and creates moments of joy shared around the table. So, let’s continue to spread love, one delicious and nutritious meal at a time.

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