Which of these three healthy bagel recipes would you love to try

Which of these three healthy bagel recipes by would you love to try – 1, 2 or 3? 🥯

15 responses to “Which of these three healthy bagel recipes would you love to try”

  1.  Avatar

    They all look delicious

  2. Marya Avatar

    How is a whole blck of Philly cheese healthy

  3. Elise Meckbach Avatar
    Elise Meckbach

    Yum!! All of them!!

  4. Carrie Haymond Avatar
    Carrie Haymond

    Cream cheese
    Dill & capers
    Red onions ?
    I think this looks yummy I have a baby shower coming up for my daughter in law brunch

  5. RoseAnn Moschiguto DeHaven Avatar
    RoseAnn Moschiguto DeHaven

    Yes please

  6. Els Ghysels Avatar
    Els Ghysels

    What is the recipe please

  7. Lynn R Sebastian Avatar
    Lynn R Sebastian

    Couldn’t find any receipts hmm

  8. Cecilia Norman Avatar
    Cecilia Norman

    1 for sure

  9. yuri Avatar

    You talk way too fast and where are the ingredients

  10. Sheena M. Jalali Avatar
    Sheena M. Jalali

    There is nothing healthy about these bagels. It’s in the name ‘bagel’ and all the mayo and cream cheese 🤦🏻‍♀️

  11. tom Avatar

    where those bagels from tho

  12. Robina Miller Avatar
    Robina Miller

    Recepie please 😢

  13. Eris Ly V Avatar
    Eris Ly V

    A tomato never looked so good 🤤

  14. Ina S.- zertif. Klimabotschafterin - Dozentin Avatar
    Ina S.- zertif. Klimabotschafterin – Dozentin

    The reason canned tuna doesn’t taste good is because of all that dolphin meat inside. Jk

  15. Tsebo Malumise Avatar
    Tsebo Malumise

    I can smell the dill & capers from here in Cape Town

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Cooking healthy is spreading LOVE!

Cooking healthy is like spreading love through the kitchen. Just as love nourishes the soul, healthy cooking nourishes the body. When you cook with fresh, organic ingredients, it’s like adding a dash of care and a pinch of compassion to every dish.

Each wholesome meal becomes a testament to the love and thoughtfulness you put into caring for yourself and those around you. Just as love brings people together, healthy cooking creates bonds, fosters connections, and creates moments of joy shared around the table. So, let’s continue to spread love, one delicious and nutritious meal at a time.

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