with love


with love @giorgiapaino

500gr boiled potatoes
80gr cornflour (alternatively potatoes starch or flour)
mozzarella cheese
salt and pepper

Combine all the ingredients together and create the balls, adding some mozzarella in the middle and fold them to form a ball. Brush with olive oil and sprinkle some oregano. Cook in the air fryer at 180° for about 12 minutes.


500gr patate lesse
80gr maizena (in alternativa fecola o farina)
sale e pepe

Unisci tutti gli ingredienti insieme e crea delle palline aggiungendo al centro un po’ di mozzarella e richiudile formando una palla. Spennella con olio d’oliva e cospargi con un po’ di origano. Cuoci in friggitrice ad aria a 180° per circa 12 minuti.

#cheese #cheeselovers #lunchidea #2ingredientdough

2 responses to “with love”

  1. The Little Shop Avatar
    The Little Shop

    This looks so good!

  2. Susan M Avatar
    Susan M


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Cooking healthy is spreading LOVE!

Cooking healthy is like spreading love through the kitchen. Just as love nourishes the soul, healthy cooking nourishes the body. When you cook with fresh, organic ingredients, it’s like adding a dash of care and a pinch of compassion to every dish.

Each wholesome meal becomes a testament to the love and thoughtfulness you put into caring for yourself and those around you. Just as love brings people together, healthy cooking creates bonds, fosters connections, and creates moments of joy shared around the table. So, let’s continue to spread love, one delicious and nutritious meal at a time.

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