This is the best way to have your salmon. i used this for the sushi sandwiches i made the other week but it would be really good with rice, veg, noodles, pasta, anything

450g sockeye salmon side
salt and pepper to taste
2 tbsp butter

1/4 c tamari/ soy sauce
1 tbsp balsamic vinegar
2 tbsp honey
1 tbsp grated ginger
1/2 tsp chilli flakes
5 large cloves crushed garlic
s+p to taste

Wash the salmon and pat dry. season with salt and pepper on both sides and set aside.
mix together the sauce ingredients and set aside

Heat a pan on medium-high heat, add the butter. once melted, add the salmon and sear on both sides for 2-3 minutes or until browned.
add the sauce and lower heat to medium. and cook until sauce starts to thicken. flip and cook for another few minutes. serve and enjoy!


  1. lina Avatar

    thanks for sharing!

  2.  Avatar

    @herbalist_akhum thank you so much, after taking your medication for two week as you said the HSV 1&2 was gone am really grateful 🙏

  3. tu beba Avatar
    tu beba

    @doctor._.ben_nnamdi am so glad that I was able to cure cancer with his herbal medication

  4. Tracy Vella Avatar
    Tracy Vella


  5. Ruth Hansen Avatar
    Ruth Hansen

    You write 1/4 C Tamar/soy sauce. How much is that?

  6.  Avatar

    HPV with natural roots and herbs, I once had HPV and after using it I am proud to say I am finally cured thank you @dr_awogbemiherbs for curing me

  7. GZ Avatar


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Cooking healthy is like spreading love through the kitchen. Just as love nourishes the soul, healthy cooking nourishes the body. When you cook with fresh, organic ingredients, it’s like adding a dash of care and a pinch of compassion to every dish.

Each wholesome meal becomes a testament to the love and thoughtfulness you put into caring for yourself and those around you. Just as love brings people together, healthy cooking creates bonds, fosters connections, and creates moments of joy shared around the table. So, let’s continue to spread love, one delicious and nutritious meal at a time.

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